Productivity Is Bullsh*t

Harziq Ali
3 min readSep 29, 2022


A seemingly infinite number of books, talks, videos, and articles have been produced about it. To find a day where the word is not uttered at school, work, or wherever is to find a four-leaf clover.


A cursory definition will tell you it is the value/output produced in a given unit of time. Economists and analysts may even provide you a monetary estimate of the so-called “value” produced.

Today, someone beamed a smile at me — stating they were overjoyed because they “had a productive day.” They explained that they “got a lot of work done” and managed to finally get their head around something they were struggling with.

This was the reason for their celebratory state.

If you think I’m about to say there is something ‘wrong’ with this, you’d be mistaken. What I want to do, however, is peel back the onion. Let us understand why productivity and the societal dialogue that surrounds it is totally meaningless. Totally nonsensical.

Go back to the cursory definition of productivity: The value produced in a given amount of time. Focus on the word “value.” We are quick to assume a definition for it: Money generated, words written, time saved — a litany of precepts flood the mind.

Pause for a moment. Don’t just parrot the pre-packaged responses — really ask yourself: What is “value?”

If you have already answered the question, you have not thought about it all. In fact, you will find it impossible to conceive a sincere response.

This is because a human being’s life is almost wholly devoid of any real value. It is this way because humans spend their lives struggling to grasp what it is that they really want.

Is an increase in your salary ‘valuable?’ Is your new relationship ‘valuable?’ Is your exam score ‘valuable?’

If so, wouldn’t the actions that led to such outcomes be valuable themselves? Wouldn’t one then classify such actions as being ‘productive?’

This is the dogma accepted by society.

The six hours you revised for your exam may indeed earn you a higher mark. Better time management and strategic breaks may bolster your perfomance at work. The world can you offer you an endless number of studies, coaches, books, and advice to enhance such forms of productivity.

But is this really what a human longs for? Where does all this, ultimately, lead you? Searching for next bout of productivity; the next session of ‘value creation’ and the ‘rewards’ it brings.

Some preach the idea of ‘enjoying the process.’ The purported wisdom here is insincere. Virtually everyone who says and practices this is a liar. Underneath it all, their principal aim is an outcome: The idea of ‘enjoying the process’ is later tacked on as coping mechanism.

What is the greatest truth about productivity? Anything that is pursued with the hope of generating a certain outcome or ‘value’ fails. Always.

It fails because the ‘productive’ person operates from a position of hope and desire.

It is only possible for the one who is already whole — who desires nothing from their ‘work’ — to be truly productive. To truly create and experience value. And the funny thing is that it is this very person that will create miracles. It is this very person that shocks the world with how ‘productive’ they are and the incredible things they create.

What is pursued for an outcome may deliver what was desired. It may not.

It doesn’t matter.

Because what follows? The next thing, and the next thing, and the next thing…

There is only one productive or valuable thing in life.

It is realising the above.



Harziq Ali
Harziq Ali

Written by Harziq Ali

Undergrad at Cambridge University

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